The “Sikshya Barta “ India’s No-1 &Only One Educational lading (Multilingual Dally And Weekly News Paper HENCE Going to be Published in National &( Regional 16 Languages )`:-In Hindi, English, Marathi, Punjabi, Nepali, Assamese, Bengali,Gujhrathi Odia , kannada, Konkani, Manipuri, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Manipuri, To Create Educational Consciousness Awareness in All State Under Our “ALL INDIA EDUCATION AWARENESS MOVEMENT “- Program to Build Our India As An “Educational World to make our Country “PROGRESSIVE AND DEVELOPED” Through Education Awareness And Development. |
Educate to me educate to the society. Education drives all darkness from the persons and societies. Its FOCUESED on |
A. Children talent search campaign B. The Educational recognition C. Sikshyabarta Ideal public schools establishment D. Students competitions and Examinations E. Students MOBILE EDUCATIONAL clinic/ ONLINE EDUCATION F. Students library and intellectual sharing G. Students and parents interaction on current education issues H- All India / International Educational awareness for the peace,prosperity and perspective development with skilled India and digital India for the students development and success. |
ONE GENERATION – what does it take to transform education?
We know the world is changing quickly; and long-term visions for education are challenging, given that frequently we have little time to reflect and act – so we jump to action quickly. At the same time, we know that change in education is not like changing the books on a shelf. Like learning itself, transformation is more likely to happen through engaging minds; encouraging people’s innovation; securing their support; and working together. That way we might develop a persistent, over-arching vision for education.
To achieve a persistent vision, part of the approach might be associated with building partnerships, coalitions and cooperation. Such cooperation might include working across governments and between departments. It seems likely that it should include working with communities, professionals, society and industry.
If we are not simply to tinker around the edges of education, but to act on what we know, we should consider approaches to policy that, over time, prepare people well for future challenges; and engage broad and enduring support. Hopefully then we can step towards authentic transformation and the kinds of education that support and fuel aspirations of learners and, ultimately the success of our countries and indeed the world.
News & Issues-
International campaign for UN World Teachers Day
* The Education World Forum Social Media Policy
* Teaching for Global Competence in a Rapidly Changing World
* Case studies from the University partners of education reform
* Evidence-Driven School Improvement: A guide for using non-academic data for policymakers and school leaders
* Developing Point of Learning: An innovative approach to enhancing professional learning
* Preparing our youth for an inclusive and sustainable world
* Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs
* Collaborative Problem Solving
* Multilingual classrooms: opportunities and challenges for English medium instruction in low- and middle-income contexts
* Interesting cities: five approaches to urban school reform
* The rapid improvement of government schools in world
* Disadvantaged girls in government schools
* Autism Services and Supports: The Need is Global
* Building confidence and inspiring hope in the young learners of INDIA
The Need for Behavior Supports for All Students in India /World