
SIKSHYA BARTA (Registration Form)

For Office Use:

Franchise Application No.___________

Name of the Office to be Established ______________________







(The National Educational Xpress)

 New Delhi -110047

 Ph (O):- 011-65473644

Mob: – +919266933733  

Email ID: [email protected]/ [email protected]


SUBJECT: – Request to send the Franchise Application form/Partnership form along with terms &conditions of the SIKSHYA BARTA News Paper by our/ my Email Id __________________________________________ for taking the Franchise/Education Partnership/Media Partnership.

Dear Sir/Madam,

             I/We have already decided and interested to take the Franchise/Media Partnership for management, distribute and circulate the SIKSHYA BARTA News Paper in/ at ______________________ Block/ Dist/ Zonal/ State.

            I/we will establish the Education Media Office / Project Office for management and implementation of the SIKSHYA BARTA Educational Project / Education Awareness movement in the concerned jurisdiction as mentioned above.

             I/We have already deposited of Rs.___________ by DD/Cheque/Cash deposited in the SIKSHYA BARTA SBI A/C NO. :-  31309494987   in favor of  SIKSHYA BARTA ,  New Delhi towards Franchise Application form fee  and here with sending the Bank Deposit Slip by your Email Id for your kind reference and further action.

 I/We hereby declare to obey the rules & regulations along with terms & conditions of the SIKSHYA BARTA News Paper / Project for management and implementing of the Program in my /our jurisdiction.


    Signature: …………………………………………………….

    Name: ………………………………………………………….

    NGO Name:……………………………………………………..

    Place: ………………………..Date: ………………………….

Odia/Telgu Epaper

Religious Epaper

Education Epaper

Poltical Epaper